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Knowledge Hub

Credit Cards

How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Quickly

Learn about the ways you can pay off your credit card debt fast to make your debts cheaper and more manageable.

How to pay off your overdraft

An extensive guide to paying off overdraft debt to limit charges and interest.

Credit Card Debt: What to do if you Can’t Pay

Struggling to repay credit card debt? Here’s some tips on what to do if you can’t repay your credit cards.

Credit Score

How to get a Loan with Bad Credit

Find out how to get a bank loan with bad credit and the types of bad credit loans available, as well as the pros and cons of them.

Debt Management Plans & Your Credit Score: Explained

If you’re considering a Debt Management Plan, you should first consider the long-term impact to your credit score. For more information, read this article.

Can I get Credit with an IVA?

Being approved credit whilst on an IVA can be challenging. Find out if getting a loan on an IVA is possible.

Debt Consolidation

How does Debt Consolidation affect getting a Mortgage?

If you’re concerned about the impact a debt consolidation loan could have on your future mortgage application, read this complete article by our experienced team.

What is a Secured Loan?

Find out what a secured loan, the benefits of a secured loan and things you should consider when applying for one.

What does a Guarantor on a Loan do?

Guarantor loans can be a good option for people struggling to obtain credit. Read more about guarantor loans and their benefits.

Money Saving

The Truth About Saving Money

Saving money can be daunting, but it's important to have some spare cash sometimes. Here are some myths about saving that could be keeping you from saving effectively.


Payday Loans: Help and Advice

At Consolidation Express, we understand the impact that payday loans can have on your life. We offer a practical solution to help you escape payday loans debt.