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An image of a road with Squid Game icons on one side and a piggy bank on the other

5 Lessons Squid Game Taught Us about Debt

Have you watched Squid Games yet, or have you been living under a rock? Let’s discuss the useful lessons we can learn about debt from the popular Netflix show.

If you haven’t binge-watched Squid Game yet, what are you waiting for? Everyone is talking about this show! In fact, within 10 days of release this series was the highest-ranking show in 90 countries!

I wasted far too much time watching the popular Netflix show and found myself wondering: what can we learn from it? The answer: don't get involved in games where death is a likely outcome!

All jokes aside, Squid Games really drives home some important lessons about debt that could be useful if you are struggling financially.

01. Spend your money carefully

Episode 1 taught us the importance of spending your money wisely, especially if you are in debt. After all, you should be aiming to better your financial position rather than make it worse.

We learn in episode 1 that Seong Gi-Hun is ‘up to his eyeballs’ in debt, but he shockingly used his 10,000 winnings on gambling (instead of paying his bills, repaying creditors, and looking after his family).

Always remember that every penny you spend on useless things could be spent on settling your debts. By being careful with your spending, you are likely to find more chances make debt repayments without even trying.

If you need help in budgeting your money so that you can repay your debts off more effectively, we may be able to help you.

02. Make paying off your debt a priority

This brings us to our next point that Squid Game taught us…

You should really focus your efforts on paying off your debt before you go on a spending spree or apply for any additional credit. You can’t improve your financial situation if you are constantly running from your debts.

03. Know when to ask for help

Many people avoid talking about their financial problems until they get out of control. Often people try to solve their issues alone, but sometimes this can make it difficult to think rationally. Squid Games taught us that talking about your troubles with someone may make them better.

In episode 8, we finally see Kang Sea-byeok ask for help from the people around her. Throughout the series she is closed off and appears to have a hard time trusting others, but after receiving a fatal injury in a game she starts to open up. Although this is a sad episode, it teaches us that there is no shame in asking others for help – in fact sometimes asking for help is the best option.

We could be the helping hand you need to get started on your financial journey. Contact us to take the first step.

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04. Only get debt help from accredited companies

Wow - Squid Games really showed us the dangers of making deals with loan sharks.

If you are going to reach out for debt help, it is so important that you go to an official company or business. Loan sharks often have little to no knowledge of how to effectively handle financial issues. They offer loans that are not only illegal, but also come with huge interest and charges. Do not be fooled by their slick talk, there are better ways to go about dealing with your debt.

All the team at Consolidation Express are highly trained in giving personalised debt advice. Additionally, our company is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. All of this ensures that you receive honest expert advice, and any advice that we give to you is completely confidential.

05. Always compare your options

In Episode 7 the players are faced with the challenge of choosing which glass platforms they should jump on to cross a bridge. They must examine their options carefully in attempt to pick the best platforms to use so that they don’t plummet to their death.

From this episode we understand how important it is to make informed decisions. Applying this to debt handling, it is important to examine the debt solutions available to you so that you pick the right one for you. Here at Consolidation Express, our friendly team can support you in this decision-making process by explaining key information about UK Debt Consolidation Loans and other debt solutions.

If you are struggling to decide which debt solution is right for you, get in touch.

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An image of a hand pressing an apply button on a mobile phone screen.

Take control of your finances

If you don't want to be that person who's struggling to make ends meet, then it's time to take control of your finances.

The series showed us how the choices we make every day eventually determine our future. So, if you don't want to be that person who's struggling financially, then it may be time to take control of your finances.

Here at Consolidation Express, we may be able to help you on your journey to better finances. We offer Consolidation Loans of up to £75K and could get you the money you need in as little as 2 hours! We also offer consolidation loans for bad credit – so what are you waiting for? Get in touch!

Consolidate My Debts
Representative 12.9% APR. We are a broker, not a lender.

Representative Example: Borrowing £7,500 over 60 months, repaying £167.57 per month, total repayable £10,054.20.

Total cost of credit £2,554.20.

Interest rate 12.9% (variable).

The lenders on our panel offer loans for 12-120 months, with rates from 4.4% APR to 49.9% APR.

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