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Loan Types

Our consolidation loans can be used to pay off different types of debts. We’ve included some of the most common ones below.

We have supported thousands of people in taking control of their finances. So, if your situation is not listed here, get in touch anyway. It is likely that we have helped someone just like you before.

Get My Loan
An illustration of magnifying glass, a scale, and a upward trending graph
An icon of a pound coin being held in a persons hand.

Personal Loans

Just barely making the monthly payments? We can help you take control of your finances and make these a thing of the past.

Repaying personal loans

An icon of a shopping cart and with store cards.

Store Cards

Sometimes, purchases just become essential. If store cards have caused you to have debt, then we can support you in repaying this at an affordable rate.

Repaying store cards

An icon of two credit cards stacked on top of each other.

Credit Cards

Credit card debts can quickly become unmanageable but, don’t worry, we are here to help you.

Repaying credit cards

A sand timer with a pound sign.

Payday Loans

If you’re struggling to repay your payday loans, help is available. In just a few hours you could have the funds you need to close these accounts.

Benefits of debt consolidation

An icon of a mobile phone ringing and a cross.

Stop calls from creditors

An icon of pound coins surrounded by hands.

Stop relying on others for money

An icon of papers with pound signs on.

Bills easier to manage

An icon of financial papers being filed and a tick.

Regain financial control

An icon of pound coins in stacks.

Have disposable income in your account

An icon of a calendar with a clock in front of it.

Keep track of your payments

Financial Expert Andrew Hagger.

Our Experts Comment on Consolidating Loans

"Overall, a debt consolidation loan can be a great option for consolidating various types of loans into one payment with a lower interest rate, which can help you save money and manage your finances more effectively. However, it's important to remember that taking out a debt consolidation loan is not a quick fix for financial problems. It's important to carefully consider your options and complete some research before taking out a debt consolidation loan."

— Andrew Hagger, Financial Consultant at Consolidation Express.

Reviewed By: Andrew Hagger
Page Last Reviewed: 27/02/2023